Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What to do when #Gizmo #whimpers at 3 am?

For some of my dreams, I'd love it if you interrupted them. 

In the middle of the night, around 3 am, I am awakened by some quiet #whimpering from Gizmo’s direction.  It is not a bark or anything insistent, so I get up, unfasten the front of his cage and let him out.                     Then we go outside into the back yard.  He runs up the little hill, goes into the open path behind the palm trees and I quickly hear the sound of him tinkling – he really needed to go to the bathroom.                                          He runs as fast as he can, a low-to-the-ground blur, back into the house.  Before I can get to him, or suggest where he should go, he is back in his cage and waiting for me to close the door.                                                          Ah, but then I had second thoughts: was I wrong?  Am I teaching him a new habit of waking me up at 3 am so he can go out?  Should I have applied discipline rather than kindness?
        The result: he slept through the night, so did I and I even got up well before he did.  It kind of feels that I did the right thing?

       “This man used to go to school with his dog.  Then they were separated.  His dog graduated!”  #Henny #Youngman

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