Tuesday, December 13, 2011

#HERMAN #CAIN says family dog is a freeloader

I am not a freeloader

In a Gail Collins column in a recent New York Times, it was reported that Herman Cain’s alleged inamorata, Ginger White, admitted to The Daily Beast that “one time we were having sex and I was looking up at the ceiling, thinking about, “What am I going to buy at the grocery store tomorrow.”
            That is, at the very least, a sad reflection of Cain’s technique. It reminds me of the joke about another woman, looking at the ceiling during sex, and thinking, “peach.  That ceiling ought to be peach.”
               Later in the column, it was noted that, after White asked for more financial support, Cain aka The Herminator demanded, “that she sell the freeloading family dog first.”
            Cain was anti-dog?  Cain thought that dogs were “freeloaders”? Did Herman think the dog was on welfare?   Is this a typical conservative Republican response?  Do we now know more than we want to about Cain and conservative anti-dog stances?
       “Dog - a kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world's worship”  Ambrose Bierce

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